Once you have a user profile in SQL server 2008 that can send email saving something along the lines of the below as a job will attach a textfile containing the output of a query and send it to an email address in a rather tidy fashion.
DECLARE @Filename VARCHAR(50) = ‘Somefilename’ + REPLACE(CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),103),’/’,’-‘) + ‘.csv’
EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail
@execute_query_database= [NAMEOFDATABASE],
@profile_name = [USERPROFILENAME],
@recipients = ‘[email protected];[email protected]’,
@body = ‘Something light and fluffy for email body text’,
@sensitivity = ‘Confidential’,
@subject = ‘The subject of your email’,
@query = ‘SELECT * from SomeTable’,
@query_attachment_filename = @Filename,
@attach_query_result_as_file = 1,
@query_result_no_padding = 1
@attach_query_result_as_file is a boolean that makes the output either an attachment or if you prefer set to false (default) to become the email body text
@query_result_width to the upper range of integer gets around wrapping text problems to make output nicer
@query_result_separator defines the column delimiters for your output
@query_result_no_padding trims white space from column output if you desire