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ASP.NET Articles

How to make a visual studio project from an existing one

Not sure if this is the "best" way to do it, but it works great for me - incase you want to make a new visual studio project based on one you already have • Make an empty folder in C:\......\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Work\NewFolderHere • Right click the existing...

Custom membershipProvider in MVC3 & encrypt ConnStrings in web.config

So it's 10pm, and I think I finally cracked it... thanks to this tutorial I suspect I have tied an MVC3 application to a small set of credential fields in...

Set parameter value of SqlDataSource to SelectedValue of another page control

You have a DetailsView control with edit / add and all the other goodness enabled, but when adding a new record you want a non-visible field to get it's value from another control like the SelectedValue of a GridView or a DropDownList in the InsertParameters...

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